When an Automobile Accident Attorney Needs to be Consulted
If the only damage that was done in a car accident was damage to property, you probably won’t need an attorney’s help. Either the other driver’s insurance carrier or your own insurance provider should be able to either replace or repair your car. But if you have suffered an injury in an automobile wreck, then you will more than likely need the assistance of a skilled and seasoned accident attorney in order to get the fair restitution you deserve. There are a number of red flags that should be an immediate indication that you will require legal representation. These include:
Soon after the accident, the driver who was at fault becomes aggressive or refuses to cooperate.
You are presented with insurance information by the other driver, but it is from an insurance carrier you’ve never heard of.
The other driver’s insurance company launches a barrage of questions in your direction and insists that your conversation be put on the record.
The insurance company offers you a settlement before either the extent of your injuries has been established or all of the facts of the case have been determined.
You either have no insurance or are under-insured, and do not otherwise have the means to pay for medical care (our attorneys, however, can help you get the medical attention you need with a payment plan you can afford).
The insurance company does not offer you a rental car in a timely manner.
The settlement offered by the insurer does not compensate you adequately for the damage your car has sustained.
You get a bad feeling regarding either the at-fault driver or that driver’s insurance company during any part of the compensation process.
Hurdles You will Face Regarding Car Accident Personal Injury Cases
Typically, the most common obstacle you will have to overcome in order to obtain fair compensation is the insurance company’s very aggressive adjuster who will be assigned to your claim. The more severe your injury, the more money will be at stake, and the harder the insurance company will fight to protect its policy. Insurance adjusters are skilled professionals who know how to shift blame from a defendant to a plaintiff. If they can do this, their insurance company can avoid having to pay a claim. At the very least, the adjuster will attempt to prove that you were at least partially responsible for the accident so that the insurer will not have to pay as much in compensation. There can be thousands of dollars, and potentially even millions of dollars at stake, so the insurer will employ as many tricks as it can in order to defeat your claim. Insurance companies don’t care about helping injury victims; they care only about protecting their bottom line and increasing profits.
The accident lawyers with our Law Office have been handling personal injury claims regarding automobile accidents for two decades. During that time, we’ve encountered myriad stories concerning unscrupulous drivers and insurance carriers that take advantage of injury victims uninitiated in the legal process. If you contact us, you can be assured that your legal rights will be protected by a group of effective, experienced lawyers.