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What should be done while filing injury claims?
Injury claims are becoming very common these days. Accidents can happen anywhere. Injury claims can be filed by people who have suffered injuries as a result of traffic accidents, accidents at the workplace like slips and falls, industrial diseases, cycling accidents, marine accidents while traveling on a ferry or a pleasure boat, and accidents at home due to the usage of defective products and medical negligence. Suing for medical and dental negligence is becoming more common these days.
Injury claims can be filed directly against the insurance companies or the help of a good personal injury attorney can be sought. People who have suffered injuries as a result of accidents must initiate the claims procedure before the expiration of two years from the date of the accident. Claims filed two years after the accident are not valid. Settlements cannot be claimed in such cases. In the case of marine accidents, the claim has to be filed before the completion two years from the date of the accident. The most important point one must remember to follow in a workplace accident is that the entry should be made in the accident book. In case you are not in a fit state due to pain or you are confused, tell your colleague to make the entry accurately in the accident book. In case your workplace doesn’t have an Accident Book, a written statement of what had happened can be made with the date, witnesses, address of the witnesses with their signatures can be made ready.
If the accident is serious, the other employees should ensure that the Health and Safety Executive is aware of such an accident. After that, go and see a doctor and ensure that it is in the hospital records also. Occupational Disease Claims refer to injuries that are complex in medical and scientific issues. Deafness, asbestos-related diseases, asthma, any lung infection or bronchitis come under these injuries and you can file a claim for compensation for these occupational diseases. It is the responsibility of employers to provide a safe working environment for their employees. When they fail to do so and accidents take place at work, they are liable to settle the injury claims filed by the affected employees. There are laws that make it mandatory for employers to provide certain facilities and make sure that a certain level of safety is maintained at the workplace.
Injury claims for injuries sustained in automobile accidents are the most common form of claims for compensation. Whiplash injury is the most common injury sustained by people who are involved in traffic accidents. It occurs due to the acceleration and deceleration movements of the automobile. It occurs when a vehicle hits the rear end of another vehicle. Injured parties can claim for whiplash when the accident is not their fault. While filing injury claims, it is important to collect all the documentary evidence required and consult a good personal injury attorney or a law firm whose specialty is personal injuries. Insurance companies try to avoid paying out claims for compensation as much as possible. In order to get a fair deal while claiming compensation, it is better to take the help of a good personal injury attorney. Get yourself a good accident lawyer or make sure that you research the net and know everything about injury claims before filing for compensation.