Insurance Companies’ Business Models are Based on Denying Rightful Injury Compensation
Negotiating with insurance companies can be challenging. They endanger your case and waste a lot of your time without an experienced attorney on your side. Insurance companies are out to protect their interests. Those interests are about taking in premiums and paying out as little as necessary. If you’ve been seriously injured, their interests are the opposite of yours. They’ll use adjusters to try to find ways to deny your claims. These adjusters may call you repeatedly, asking innocent-sounding questions about your accident. Their inquiries may seem innocent enough, especially if they have convinced you that they are looking out for you and are your advocate. But their questions are usually calculated to induce you to say something that could be used against you to deny your claims. Whatever you say to them will probably be recorded and could come back to haunt you as evidence against your claim in the future. So beware.
Our clients quickly learn that the best way to deal with insurance adjusters is to let us handle them. Adjusters don’t call our clients. We make it very clear that they must deal with us instead. And when adjusters can’t talk to our clients, they don’t have a chance to twist their words around to use against them.
Many times, especially if they know you have a good case, an insurance company pressures and even harasses you to settle your claim for less than what it could be worth, often much less. We believe a fair settlement offer if it truly benefits an accident victim is a good thing, even preferable to a civil trial. But accepting an unfair settlement offer can be devastating to your legal rights. When you accept an offer, you forever waive your right to sue the defendant ever again. The settlement on the table is all that you will ever collect from that defendant (and his insurance company). So it’s important not to accept an offer unless it’s truly fair. The only way to determine a fair settlement from an insurance company that wants to victimize you is with the assistance of an experienced car accident attorney.
Insurance companies know that most accident victims are everyday people who, as a result of this accident, are often strapped for cash. They have hefty medical bills and auto repair bills that need to be paid quickly. And perhaps they are unable to work for a long time as a result of their injuries. So their reduced income is used for monthly expenses, which means there’s little if any, leftover to pay accident-related expenses. Their obvious strategy is to entice accident victims with just enough cash that might get them back to even. But what if that’s not the end of your expenses? Insurance companies are banking on you not figuring that out until they’re no longer involved and are off the hook. Don’t let the defendant in your case (and his insurer) get away with paying you less than you deserve.
Here are a few more insurance company tricks they would never try to pull on our clients who end up becoming injured passengers in a car wreck.
They offer you a settlement before the full extent of the medical treatment you’ll need is known.
The insurance company tells you they’ll pay your claim when you submit your bills, but then refuse to do so or keep stalling you when you ask for payment. (by the way, we never submit original bills to an insurance company, only copies).
The insurance company takes too long to respond to your inquiries (this could mean that they’re investigating your claim behind your back or just “shining you on” and haven’t yet told you they’re not going to pay your claim).
The insurance company (usually the adjuster) tells you that a settlement offer is “all that you’re entitled to” or “the best you’re going to get.”
Can you think of another reason why you shouldn’t call an experienced Texas auto accident injury lawyer to shield you from insurance companies and fight for your fair compensation rights when you’re injured in a car wreck?
The auto accident lawyers at our Texas Law Firm have effectively handled car accident litigation for over 30 years. We’ve won favorable verdicts and settlements against nearly every major auto insurer in the state. Insurance companies recognize our name. And the reputation that precedes us is beneficial in securing special attention to our clients’ claims from these insurers. Our goal is to make sure that you recover as much as possible for your injuries and make this sometimes complicated legal process as easy as possible for you.
Put our years of experience to work for you. Know your rights, how to proceed with your claim, and how much compensation you can secure from your auto injury case. Call our Law Firm now at 1(800) 862-1260 (toll-free) for a free consultation and find out how we can help you recover the full fair value of the damages you have suffered through the negligence of another driver.
This Blog was posted By The Carabin & Shaw Law Firm. principle Office in San Antonio, Texas