If I’ve been hurt, when should I talk to a lawyer?
In the aftermath of a car crash, things can get hectic. Between dealing with the police, worrying about your injuries, wondering if you can afford the medical costs, and dealing with the possibility of not being able to return to work, you have a lot to think about. Not only that but also all the other concerns and worries you have in your daily life don’t just go away because you’ve been injured. Getting hurt can often amplify your problems and make your life much more stressful.
In all that confusion, stress, and chaos, it’s no wonder that many people wait far too long before they speak to a personal injury attorney after they’ve been hurt. If you are wondering when you need to speak to a lawyer after being injured, the reality is that you cannot do it soon enough. More here
Immediate Medical Care
Being hurt often requires you to seek immediate medical attention. This is your first and primary responsibility if you’ve been involved in an accident. Always seek medical care and follow all the instructions your doctors or health care workers give you. Treating your injuries and making sure you are properly cared for is your primary responsibility after any accident or injury.
Medical Treatments and Expenses
There are some situations where people are hesitant to seek medical assistance after an accident. For example, a lot of people who don’t have health insurance and who are injured in an accident are reluctant to talk to a doctor because they are afraid they won’t be able to afford it. These people might, for example, speak to a doctor immediately after their injury and then, after they hear the kinds of treatment the doctor recommends, don’t follow up because they are afraid of the expenses involved.
In such situations, you can often speak to a personal injury attorney about your concerns. Sometimes, your attorney will be able to help you find a health care provider who will provide the necessary treatment. Your personal injury attorney can often negotiate with the health care provider and enter into an agreement where the provider will not seek payment until you’ve resolved your
Insurance Company Contact
In some personal injury situations, adjusters, attorneys, or other insurance company representatives will contact you to discuss your case. It’s always best to speak to an attorney before speaking to anyone from an insurance agency. Insurance adjusters, attorneys working for the insurance company, and investigators are all there to represent the interests of the insurance company. Even if they make seemingly innocent comments or proposals, these can often come back to hurt you if you say the wrong thing.
Even if you don’t believe your accident or injuries merit a lawsuit, or you feel squeamish about beginning the legal process, you should always talk to a personal injury attorney first. Your lawyer is devoted entirely to protecting you and your interests and providing you with the legal advice you need.