This Blog was posted By The Carabin & Shaw Law Firm. principle Office in San Antonio, Texas
How frequent are motorcycle injuries and fatalities in the U.S?
The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that per mile traveled, the number of deaths on motorcycles was about 35 times the number in cars.
What can motorcyclists and their passengers do to protect themselves?
The simplest and most effective protection is to wear a helmet. Helmets reduce the number of deaths and traumatic brain injuries, and they reduce overall medical costs. The NHTSA estimates that wearing a safety-rated, properly fitted helmet reduces the likelihood of death in a motorcycle crash by 37 percent.
What’s the evidence that helmets change accident outcomes?
In every state that has enacted universal motorcycle helmet laws or reinstated a preexisting helmet law, helmet use has increased dramatically, and motorcyclist deaths and injuries have decreased. In states that have repealed or weakened their universal helmet laws, helmet use declined sharply, and motorcyclist deaths and injuries rose.
What effect does helmet use have on health care costs after a motorcycle crash?
Riders not wearing a helmet have higher health care costs as a result of their crash injuries. NHTSA reviewed 25 studies of the costs of injuries from motorcycle crashes found in all of them that helmet use reduced the fatality rate, the probability and severity of head injuries, the cost of medical treatment and length of hospital stay, the necessity for special medical treatments, and probability of long-term disability.
What is the most dangerous time for motorcyclists?
The night is the most dangerous time because visibility is reduced. Sixty percent of motorcycle fatal injuries occur at night. Protective clothing should be bright-colored, with reflective strips, to increase motorcyclists’ visibility to other drivers. Please find more information on this website here @
Can rider training courses help?
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation, a group supported by motorcycle manufacturers, strongly recommends a basic motorcycle training course for every beginning motorcyclist and frequent refresher courses for all riders.
How does motorcycle engine size affect the motorcycle injury death and rate?
The NHTSA found one year that motorcycle engine size is directly correlated with the number of fatal crashes. Mid-size engines (501 to 1,000 cc) showed the largest numbers with 1,631 fatalities, followed by the largest engines (1,001 to 1,500 cc) with 1,542 fatalities. Smaller engine (up to 500 cc) fatalities have been decreasing over the years, with 221 fatalities.
After a motorcycle crash, what resources will I have to pay my medical expenses?
Most people will have insurance that will help pay medical bills, either their health insurance or through the healthcare provision in their automobile insurance policy. These are called first-party benefits, and they are the usual first resource for payment for medical expenses related to a motorcycle injury. At our firm, our motorcycle accident lawyers ask our clients to bring in copies of all their policies so that we can determine their rights of recovery under all policies that may apply.
Should I talk to my insurance company about my motorcycle crash?
Yes. You have a contractual obligation to tell your insurer about a collision involving you and your motorcycle. You may want to talk with an experienced motorcycle collision attorney before you talk with your insurer.
If my insurance company pays some of my medical bills when I resolve my case, are they entitled to reimbursement?
Most insurance policies have a contractual provision stipulating that the insurance company has a right to seek recovery for reimbursement. At the conclusion of your case, our motorcycle accident lawyers will negotiate the best possible terms with your insurance company for reimbursement from the proceeds of your case.
What should I do if I have a motorcycle crash?
Do your best to stay calm.
If you’re physically able, take down some basic information: The date, the time, the location, the names and license numbers of other drivers involved, names and contact information of witnesses.
Make statements only to law enforcement officers.
See a doctor and have your injuries evaluated and treated.
Notify your insurance agent.